Diet to start at the gym session

When you start to train in the gym, whatever your goal, you must increase the number of kilocalories you consumed daily when you did not practice any physical activity (yes, even if you intend to lose weight), always taking a correct diet. which allows your body to respond correctly when you go to the gym. The important thing is that you do not consume empty calories, that is, those that come from foods that do not provide you with any nutrient. Before diving into the world of fitness, it is important to know what diet you should follow when you start at the gym, depending on your age, weight and physical condition.

Below, we will give you some guidelines on how your diet should be when you start at the gym and what are the nutrients that can not be missing from your diet, always under the supervision of your doctor or nutritionist.

What should I eat to start going to the gym?
It is very important to make five meals a day (breakfast, lunch, lunch, snack, and dinner). This is an example of a diet so that, when you start at the gym, you can have a healthy and balanced diet without any problems:

Breakfast: A piece of fruit (or orange juice), a glass of milk and a bowl of cereal (oat flakes, preferably). Do not cheat and avoid chocolate cereals or those that contain a lot of sugar.
Lunch: a small sandwich or a cheese or turkey sandwich, avoiding sausages with more fat, such as serrano ham or chorizo. If you're hungry before lunch, you can eat a handful of almonds or nuts.
Food: salad and a plate of foods that contain a large number of carbohydrates, such as pasta or rice. For dessert, you can take a piece of fruit (banana if you have not yet trained and pear, apple, orange or other fruits with lots of water if you have already done so).
Snack is the most treacherous meal of the day and loses control over body care, which can fall into the temptation of sweet and industrial cakes. If you have trained, you can eat some protein, such as tuna or some type of sausage, inside the bread if you wish.
Dinner: follow the saying "eat like a king, eat like a prince and dine like a beggar." A little meat or fish (can go alternately) without too much fat percentage, such as brisket or hake. When you start going to the gym, avoid pork burgers and other types of red meat. Accompany the piece of meat with a little vegetable, such as broccoli, spinach, artichoke, etc. As a dessert, you can eat another fruit or natural yogurt.
It is worth mentioning that if you observe the results of your diet very quickly, it is advisable to make a deceptive meal or a diet break, also called "day of the trap", once a week, giving yourself a whim of food, so that the body remembers it. who is on a diet. Otherwise, in the long term, it could stop obtaining satisfactory results. Enjoy all the advantages of diet in the same way as the benefits of starting to go to the gym and vice versa.

Follow a diet model to start in the gym similar to this and you will get satisfactory results very soon. However, your doctor or your nutritionist can advise you if you have any questions about the proper diet to start going to the gym according to the conditions and objectives you want to achieve with the training.

Frequent mistakes in the diet when starting at the gym.
What do I have to take when I start going to the gym?

Many people make some common mistakes in their diet by entering the world of fitness and healthy living. We present some of them for you to try to prevent them successfully.

Do not increase the amounts: if we start exercising daily, we should eat more kilocalories than before, even if we want to lose weight.
Skip a meal: we should eat five times a day. If we try to skip a meal, we probably need a larger quantity in the next one and we can attribute to it that "the remedy was worse than the disease".
Fall in the false light: when we buy in the supermarket, we must be attentive to the labels of the products, since many of them are sold as "healthy" when in reality they contain large amounts of sugar.

Do not have patience: if we think about starting to get results the first week and we do not get it, we will want to abandon the diet. You have to be consistent, as in a long distance race, and not want to "run" at the beginning to finish as soon as possible.
Do not fall into these mistakes that beginners make in the diet when they start in the gym and eat right from the start of their physical activity to progress effectively in the shortest time possible.
