Decalogue for a healthy diet

1. Stay at the ideal weight.

We must all know what our ideal weight is, and try to stay as close as possible to that weight. To do this, we must take into account our body mass index (BMI) and try not to deviate too much from the optimal index that corresponds to each of us.

The Body Mass Index is used to define the weight status of the person and is calculated from the formula: weight (kg) / height (m) 2. Overweight is considered a BMI between 25 and 30, and obesity when the BMI is equal to or greater than 30. Ex: A person weighing 90 kg and measuring 1.80 will have a BMI of 27.7 and another that weighs 70 kg and measures 1.80 will have a BMI of 21.6.

We must try to achieve a balance between the calories we take and the calories we spend. If we consume more calories than we need, we will gain weight and being overweight is not good for our health.

2. Olive oil as main fat

The olive oil, a basic constituent of the Mediterranean diet, should remain the fat essential culinary diet, as well as provide us primarily monounsaturated fat source, provides vitamins and antioxidants that prevent the development of the cardiovascular disease.

3. Skimmed dairy

Skimmed dairy products are healthy because they provide high biological value proteins and minerals such as calcium, avoiding saturated fats and the cholesterol contained in whole milk.

4. Avoid saturated fat

The industrial bakery, chips, sweets, sausages in general (except turkey, chicken and some low-fat variants), fast food whole milk products and their derivatives are foods that contain saturated fat in large quantities. Saturated fats are the dietary factor that most increases blood cholesterol, so this type of food should be avoided or taken exceptionally.

5. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and vegetables

The nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables, especially raw, help to protect against numerous diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. They also contain very few calories and since they are vegetable products, they lack cholesterol.

Introduce the salad as the main garnish for meals, put a piece of fruit in the lunch and desserts, are some measures that we can adapt to get to the 5 recommended servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

6. Eat more whole grains and legumes

Whole grains contain more fiber than refined grains and also provide more vitamins and minerals. Legumes are also very rich in vitamins and minerals, complex carbohydrates and fiber. This fiber "traps" part of the cholesterol that we ingested through the diet, thus preventing its absorption in the intestine. In addition, if we combine cereals (bread, rice, pasta ...) with legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas ...) we will obtain proteins of excellent biological value.

7. Best poultry and fish

We must try to consume a greater proportion of poultry, rabbit, and fish, both white and blue since these foods have a lower content of saturated fats and cholesterol when compared to red meats and sausages. In addition, bluefish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote the child's brain development and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood.

8. Up to 3-4 whole eggs per week

Contrary to what has always been thought, the consumption of eggs is not linked to a significant increase in blood cholesterol. The egg white does not contain cholesterol, so there are no limitations in its consumption. As for the yolk, although it is true that it has cholesterol, its content of monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 beneficial to health far exceeds that of saturated fat. They also provide proteins of excellent biological value, minerals such as iron and many vitamins, in addition, they are cheap foods and allow many ways of cooking them.

9. Avoid excessive consumption of salt and sugar.

We must know what foods and beverages contain hidden salt or sugar by helping us with nutritional labeling. Excess salt or sodium, as well as excess refined sugar, is not healthy.

10. Perform physical exercise every day.

The physical activity benefits our physical and mental health. We must not forget that performing 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a day will not only make us expend calories, but it will also help us prevent cardiovascular disease.

Finally, we must remember that the consumption of tobacco decreases the life expectancy and predisposes to chronic diseases (cardiovascular, lung and cancer). Therefore, we recommend that you DO NOT SMOKE.
